Chet Oliver
I ran across some fat jackass at a Barnes and Noble in Lafayette Indiana not to long ago who was bitching of the NBA canceling its season convinced and telling his son that this is some attempt by president Trump using this Coronvirus scare to ban the Chinese aligned National Basketball Association and activist outspoken activists like Lebron James and others. This fat clown is typical of the hero worshiping drug ,food, and sports addicted assholes who the corrupt global economy somehow thinks is deserving of paying sport professionals tons of money because a few assholes like Gregory Drummond have no fucking life and nothing else to participate talk to their own kids aside from sports.

This pigbeast is angered and triggered as stores close and he is having difficulty finding ways to meet caloric demands to fill the girth he prefers to see around his waist. Drummond is a liberal libtard and will not be seeing his believed lefties NBA athletes perform anytime soon and this is what is triggering this poor fat man and his boy who now cant participate in High school sports, a sick education distracting school activity that parent often use to baby sit their kids for many hours devoted to athletic functions instead of the more crucial academic brain function. This man was so ugly and such a libtard worried about men making million playing ball and after seeing hi I had to go on-lie and see something better for an hour so I watched a on of propaganda Krystal Ball Hill TV programs. Sometimes I am amazed at the diversity f human beings and basically loking at this fat ass and Krystal Ball it is unbelievable that both are a common species. I needed some Krystal Ball viewpoints afger tseeing this fat turkey Greg Drummond

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