Zachary Zuckerberg
Jack Dorsey is a conservative free speech executive that has taken this really worthless tech company and been funded form meddlers of overseas to somehow try to manage to be a politically influential internet site allowing liberals and far left-wing individuals the freedom to express themselves politically while denying conservatives or people they term as alternative right-wing. Jack orsey is the pro typical image of a elite tech bastard leprechaun looking lying dog-faced Gremlin who deserves to have himself devalued and deplatformed and this son of a bitch and his polices aat twitter make me lose about 12 twitter accounts a year or ahhhhhh werre roughly one every month because it allows hose who people disagree with to report any sensitive material or comment that these lefties snowflakes fdo not like and are so triggered.

Some hedge fund named Elliot management and ahhh prababely headed by Bill Elliot bought a lot of sticsk of this declining and low influential tech company as a statement with a sole goal of eventually changing the culture oat Twitter and allowing more people and political thinkers a ace at this platform that the libtard liberals wish to oppsoe and deny. Jack Dorsey is a prick fucker like no other who needs to go and for the time being this leprechaun prick eater has survived but the question remains is how much longer the silly rat bastard will be allowed to be CEO. Dorsey has done a horrendous incompetent ob as CEO of to companies ,which should be illegal, and has helped drive down both twitter and

Four Square ad this man was only able to be influential and have this unprofitable company exist to this long because of the free money fro intentional Central Banks that prop up entities such as Twitter to be used poliially within may lands and stans. Jack Dosey live in the feudal society that is sanctuary for criminals like him San francisco and Oakland and Jack Dorsey was king of the jackasses in t Bay Area existing on the debt and fraud of hedge fund and the finance industry.
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