Mark Cuban wants more wealthy to spend more on restaurants and sex robots in society as he appears in a town hall with Rock Roberts

Chuck "Cheesepuff" Goodwin
    invest on robotics will solve all the answers will bring manufacturing by having robots work instead of people. He is an entrepreneur and  a jackass and he appeared in a town hall radio show with business class host Rock Roberts and basically they talked about  the Coronovirus and how it will affect the future of business.. Mark Cuban wants more and more robotics and says there is no reason he reckons the Unite States cant't be the leader in robotics with dexterity digits on hands that can ahhh be allowed to give a very good hand job. Mark Cuban also says if you are filthy rich that you should go out and take one or two or three expensive take outs  day and hep these restaurateurs and their staff and over-paid chefs and so forth. of course, the problem with capitalism is a that only a small class can afford to eat out and eat out and pig is what they do one of the primarily reasons this country has so many God dam restaurant and is  a restaurant economy long ago transformed instead for a manufacturing hub that made America great at one time before the monopolists and fraudsters like Mark Cuban took hold.
Mark Cuban thinks government and politicians should help out already rich investors to basically crate manufacturing and factories that will employ robots instead of actual living people. Mark says we need to invest in more robotic technology and have them move about and do the dirty work of manufacturing Americans don;t want to do rather working for tips at restaurants that no longer have dining the thanks  to the is Chinese virus. Mark says we need to hep entrepreneurs like  the Japanese Yoky Matsuoko and her hand jobbing head bobbig sex robots as Mark Cuban and other technocrats would rather have sex with a robot instead of hot aging Japs like Yoky.
Rick Roberts says that politicians working together to find bi-partisan stimulus bills is a good sign and aid for the wealthy elites to continue their jet traveling globalist business excuse lifestyles and is proud of the bi-partisan work in getting rich people bailed out and Mark Cuban also was pleased with this recent legislation. Mark is eager for a National basketball league owners bail out and that the NBA season can get back to play and ballers on the court jester and turning n the big bucks for men like himself.

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