Beijing Bikini now officially banned in China and men can no longer show blubber Buddha stomachs

Lee Park Kong
   The war on rural backwards men in China continues as the ever prescient big brother CCP government now is placarding to their urban elites and demanding that old men in Chinese cities no longer expose their belly and wear a mankini. It would get really hot in China and men in Beijing were accustomed to roll up their shirts and cool themselves off with the heat and now apparently after complaints from tourists and the upper classes the government of China has taken time away form his virus battles and moved to ban this fashion statement.
 Many people loved to show this neurotic and eccentric trend  by the Chinese male and the spread of this wardrobe malfunction has finally reached top levels of the money party commie state no longer tolerable of the bloober and bludder of its rural hillbilly population especially n Beijing. Jinpin Xi was horrified to hear upon their fashion trend
being named after the city he has been helped by American Democrats to build up into Skyscraper city.these orders by the Chinese government are just more repressive laws against the working and lower classes in China and men in particular . The Chinese men are going to have to deal with sweaty shirts in their stomach area and that ringworms and gnats will be attracted to this sweat. The ridicule of Chinese  men wishing to cool off continues and now they can get fined through the authoritarian Chinese government always looking for ways to repressive peoples  individuality and rights  in general.

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