Dumb John Oliver is now meddling in Libya's affairs and wants Khalifa Haftar arrested on war charges

      Ali Muhammad
   John Oliver as a HBO meddler and manipulator lying broadcaster of globalist Londonstan Jewtown background. A former co-host of Andy Zaltzman's Bugle propaganda John Oliver is now on hore for the globalist broadcasting to Americans his lies ore about anything else and now this shit is speaking his little brain abut the fighting on Libya. John Oliver praised Turkish dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan and praised the sharia authoritarian Turkish dictator for stopping the West' puppet in general Khaifa Haftar whom many people are saying n predicted by name many centuries ago. John  Oliver, like Howard Stern, is a dipshit and because he is willing to speak for the globalists cause this is why he is on the air and television.
Khalifa Haftar controlled the Eastern Libya regions and wanted to unify the country into one again and was well on his way supported by an odd coalition of Russians,French, and Egyptian aid before this mad dog fuck ass Tayipp Erdogan got himself and his large army and air force involved to batter and push back against the forces of the great general Khalifal Haftar.  John Oliver is a little Owl-Faced ass always has been one and always will be and clearly this man is supported and works for both the radical Islamic Turks and Palestinians despite him being a Jew. John Oliver is one of those extremist Jews of socialism and tis is what he serves and protects so naturally this man would be against the people of Libya who don't want their corrupt UN appointed puppet federal government and see someone and the movement of Khalifa Haftar. Haftar has returned and the future prospect of two Libya nations called East and West Libya looks more and more like a distinct long-term possibility.

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