Hong Kong Protests to return despite Coronovirus attempt to destroy right to protest and the america left goes nuts

 Randolph Perkins IV
    The far left radicals in power in  America and the alternative YouTube site hate the idea of people gathering and assembling for the right to protest and for the usual assholes we focus on from Sam Seder, Cenk Uygur, and David Pakman the sight of American flags along with an occasion Confederate flag and symbol of resistance has triggered their paper machete brains. Now they are flipping out and triggered by the  return of the Hong Kong protests which awe have always said was one of the major causes and decision form the evil Chinese communists one percenters party members to create the Wuhan virus and them methodically plan and set its release for other nations to suffer.

All three of thes emoroni on-lie talk show hosts were saddened and shocked to see Chinese in Hong Kong agian demonstrate and stand up agianst the evils and the abuses of their government as this island nations should never have been give back to such a government and nation as mainland Communist China by Britain. Why Britain didn't grant Taiwann Hong Kong is somethign historians will puzzle for centuries to come as giving a ecnomically prosperous island city-state to a brutallitilian tolitarian retiliean state such a sCina is dismaying to say the fucking least. 
Cenk Uygur says the last thing the people of Hong Kong need to repeat is another mass protest and told the people forget about their democracy. The dipshit Sam Seder criticized the return of the Hong Kong protest and wondered if they have the same right wing funding as the anti-lockdown protests in America. The Argentine prick David Pakman says the Hong Kong protests work against  their best interests and he compared them to the anti Maduro protests in Venezuela usually done by business
zealous concerned about having to be taxed more. What ever their reasons these three fuck tards do not want to see the brand and image of their beloved China tarnished by more months of Hong Kong being protested and rocked throughout the night and some have concluded the Coronvirus scam is a alliance between global health order and Communist China to mutually benefit one another with either delivering or hyping the threat of a virus that may or may not even exist. he return of the HK protests scare the holy shit out of these three turds and out of fucking China as Chinese communist officials were shocked and battled the hundreds descending upon a mall in Hong Kong to protest their crazed government. We welcome and wish the people of Hong Kong luck fr continued protest as Americans will be likewise seeking to fight for capitalism and the battle against the international socialism and global health priesthood that seeks to dominate and destroy it

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