Mark Steyn blasts mainstream media, Howard Stern, and Don Lemon a new asshole

       Jordan Morgan 
    Mark Steyn is filling in for Rush Limbaugh and gave his take on the weeks events a d he took particular attack on two of Trump's mst vocal critics behind the screen. Mark Steyn blasted the mainstream media and talk of the insanity of it directing as much hate against our leader as they can as activist pretending to be journalist Olicia Nuzzi asked a stupid question comparing Coronovirus to the Vietnam war and whether a president allowing so many deaths should be reelected .
The far  left such as this report..activist allowed to ask sophomoric smear questions does t want a reelection and is in favor of a more pro-foreign pro-Chinese president and this crazed nutty worthless bitch reporter is just one of many morons in the media as Mark Steyn explained as he once again brilliantly  filled din for Rush Limbaugh for a few days.
   Steyn went after silly big wig fake hair old jackass Howard Stern amazed tha the plutocratic media warlords keep funding Howard Stern and his bring talk all of these years and he blasted XM Sirius for paying such a untalented loser like Mr Stern as much money. Steyn says Stern would be off the radio airwaves by now without  getting and that without XM Sirius bankster loaned money and Stern is attacking his former friend because Stern's paymasters are insisting he get more political with his boring daily programs that he does incompetently  with ugly Back Robin Queries.
Howard Stern is a ugly asshole and always has been desperate to gt his name connected as connected to the resistance  and many of his fans hate him an call and defend Trump to Stern  telling the ugly fuck to quit talking politics. Steyn says Stern and other shit head leftists ike don Lemon keep lying and saying Trump is encouraging people to drink bleach. For dipshits like Howard Stern apparently Donald Trump can't be sarcastic as this idiot Jew Stern always can be on a mic.
    Steyn also blasted Don Lemonade and is pleased that Lemon is triggered as people protest and Lemon's response to protesters and Trump encouraging these patriots to fight back against state government tyranny as been immaculate. Don Lemon mocked the protesters for wanting to get a haircut at their long favorite barbers and stylists as Lemon gets a hair cut every week form a fellow Don G=Homo like himself. Lemon and Stern are tow peas i the same pod fuck jobs like no other who know little on politics and are paid to lie and manipulate with all their senses and shit in their brains.

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