Michael Knowles attacks the full frontal police power abuse and horseshit at a beach

  Woody Underwood
     Michael Knowles says  the crazed freak out authoritarians are out in full force showing daily videos of people using this Coronovirus health scam to harass and culturally bully others and Knowles showed  scene where mount police harass a elderly couple . The couple were sitting on te beach and a police horsemen rode upon them with so much double speak and horseshit telling them they couldn't sit in chairs and they had to socially distance form one another for some twenty feet. 
Onlookers mocked  this Gestapo policeman on orders from crazy California liberal retard Governor Gavin Newsom who is on hire and work for international authoritarians wishing to use Americans local and state governments ot harass the average daily person. Knowles says that rotten sit politicians like Gavin Newsom are incensed with power and he and his cray supporters and these of other whack job Governor are now looking for ways to harass and snitch in all ways.
 In another video one sees a high school teacher yell profusely in fits of deranged rage at some students for playing in a park. The teacher then tells the students she hopes they die and they are to be blamed for Coronovirus instead of a country in Asia that started these virus in a lab and allowed a few here and there to escape in a bat sure ot be captured by a local wet market.  Knowles blamed the insane leftest in the heath care profession which like academia have become part of the bureaucracy and has moved nursing into politics enabling these dictatorial power grabs among the countries various Democratic leaderships. Te crazed attitude of th snitch coronvirus freak mask nutballs are on full display and many right-wing tinkers are putting full blame and  spread of culture dumbness right square on the lap dogs that are state politicians of the Democratic persuasion. 


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  2. https://freetuitionschools.com/2020/04/26/warehouse-workers-urgently-needed-in-the-united-states-of-america/
