Arnold Buckley
Zack Weiss runs a YouTube channel called Talkin Tuskin's where he talks about the Tuskin Raiders and this is all he does is recall Tuskin Raiders book and on-line created sources for it . Zack says humanity is well on its way to becoming like the Tuskin Raiders who had to live under constant breathing ventilators. The Tuskin Raiders were desert nomads and raiders on the planet Tatoonie and have difficulty breathing so they have this pipe bong thing attached to their mouths and they breath complete Nitrogen fresh gases that sustain these sand beings made up of milk and honey and a combination of native Tatoonie sand.

Zach Weisss says there was never a need for the sin Raiders to shut down their tents and not raid their Jawa neighbors in constant warfare as these brutal savages were among the most feared warrior hit and run raider savages seen in the universe outside of the Comanche Indians. Infectious diseases are never a problem in Tuskin society and these nomadic desert dwellers move about at will with a open borders policy and love to take tie out enjoying the balmy waters of remote lakes and oasis

Zack plays ten hours of video game involving the Tuskin Raiders and reads dozens of science fiction books of the Star Wars characters and noble society He is among the world best known archive expert of Tuskin society and how these people are able to thrive and survive in a rough habitat free of infectious diseases and the scourge of virus and bacteria with their breath machine is something we can learn in this time of coronvirus.
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