The dirty CCP Chinese Communist are using the Coronavirus cover to brutally suppressed and prevent any protest such as seen from last year. Some are even suggesting the Chinese purposely spread that the Wuhan Chinese virus in particular to stop the Hong Kong independence movement and mass protesting against centralized control of this capitalism Island Paradise. The United States and the West need to support and provide comfort for Hong Kong as done for Taiwan and the brutal weekend suppression of protest by the Chinese Communist was evident as Mainland police forces were brought in to suppress protests in Hong Kong and against the terrible leadership of the puppet Carrie Lam.

The American media suppressed these latest violent battles and the images of a young boy being physically restrained and beaten down and handcuffed didn't make the mainstream Chinese sympathetic media that didn't want to show to the country the dangers of a police style coronvirus Chinese police state that these communist bastards are tying to spread into America. Even Google a,Yahoo, and big tech is now preventing this imagery from being shown. The arbitrary beatings ordered by Hong Kong psychotic Chinese agent Carrie Lam on protests on her birthday this past weekend were among the most violent reaction seen yet by the Chinese/Hong Kong police force and more arrests and beatings will be delivered with a new anti-national anthem disrespect bill ut forth for additional excuses like these Coronovirua to suppress peoples freedoms and organization against the abuses of a evil regime as is the one the Hong Kong people are fighting alone .
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