Peyton Jenkins
The millions and millions of cats and dogs are saliva spilling virus machines and the number one cause for the high infection rates of Coronovirs as compared to Asia where pet ownership i much more rare. The high disposable incomes of people in the West as resulted with many resources and food devoted to the harboring and raising of mammals in non-Farmland primarily dogs and cats and recent research has indicated cats and dogs can spread the virus to one another and htus it is mos ttlikely possible these animals can also pass the dreaded virus known as the Covid Chinese virus to particularly demographics of people who never practice social distance with their pets and often get mouth to mouth with their dogs and cats which is just sick.

few people would ever ruminate the dangers or admit of any that having cats and dogs up close and sharing animal viruses and sneeze weeze form animal and pets and the obsession and hug amount of pet ownership America needs to be regulated and eventually curtailed with these coronovirus pandemics and government needs to start a process do encouraging confiscation of peoples pets. We here have a anti-pet charity and organization devoted to ending the practice of pet ownership long advocating the health hazards of having so many animals in households long before this virus pandemic nd more research needs to be done how easily accessible the transmission of coronvirus is enabled in small households where people come in close contact all of the time with their pets.

Few people are practicing social distancing or having their dog wear masks while they walk as few pet owners think that Covid 19 can be passed from human to dog/cat. The eventual abolishment of pets needs to start with their complete banishment form all multi-dwelling living arrangements condos or apartments where confide space make animal to human spread of the dreaded killer disease must be stopped pronto. The coronovirus pandemic will upend pet ownership and worship and hel bring about its decline as a long necessary waste of resources and unnecessary by product of our consumer society
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