Gus Perkowski
The murder hornets are a coming and this recent development and news of these insects that I rely ever had to deal with as an exterminator will be the 2020 2021 new media fear mongering of the day. You tubes brilliant animalogist and Entomologist Coyode Pederson knows first hand the dangers posed by these brutal hornets as he had himself stung on live television some time ago and nearly died on life Facebook streaming after being stung by these Asian hornets. Coyode made a new video warning the public that these hornets are hard to eradicate and are extremely aggressive and able to take down a full human at will if cornered and intruded upon from one. Coyode Pederson is extremely scared shit about the invasive species and these killing hornets now being discovered in the states and like the Coronovirus he believes that possibly this murderous insect was purposely released by enemy agents of America that seek to destroy t and spread chaos again.

The Asian hornets are brutally territorial and not only will humans be caught up in this web of destruction but any animal mass that gets in its way and bumps into one of these nests and government needs to act now getting exterminators ot there and searching for all traces of these stingers. Coyode Pederson is extremely worried about the rise of these hornets and he predicted that in another year or two government will officiate a insect related lock down as it will be too dangerous according to government because of the billions and billion f Asian hornets that will be flying like zombie drones out there.

The Hornets are tired of their native lands ans eek ne honeybees to hut and destroy and they may like the North American continent as there ae thousands of native Bees and their hives that could use a remodel. Coyode say there is only one insect that cause smore harm and that it was a close race as some years ago he tried all of the most painful insects and that in addition to being painful these little devils actually are ugly as shit.
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