Free talk live hosts Mark Edge and Ian Freeman tells restaurants and other businesses to just open up against the orders of authoritarian governors and lying media

      Chuck "Cheesepuff" Goodwin
    Mark Edge say country is run for people not scientists like  Anthony Fauci and the war on restaurants and going put is one that was long planned by the scientific nerd community working with authoritarian wealth extractors internationally to set about this enclosure of the world. The Free Talk Live fags said that while Georgia and other states are reopening the massive rules and regulation set forth for a new policy effectively will make business  so difficult to run out will close many pf them. The preference for large global eateries and business by government is the real end game for the likes of the government tyrants and the fake scientists and often wrong scientists like fucking  Anthony Fauci, who is a old troll fuck face like no other with a clear agenda to shut down and destroy the power of this country and this economy.
The Democrats are filed with the insane belief of data and the scientists and are using their lies to become strict Martinets upon society and prevent this country from its rights and liberties in an attack on our freedoms though the health corrupt authorities on orders from the 1% elites who seek to enforce austerity upon the population. 
The intention and restrictions against restaurants and forcing them to compel to operate at fifty percent capacity is just a lo g list of regulations that are not necessary and an attempt by Democratic governments to destroy all restaurants and so government can set up a Post Office Aldi type supermarket institution of grand Z quality meats and fruits that the government one party state of Blue democratic city and states can monopolist and massively profit form cheap foods.
 Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are based out of New Hampshire and have often talked about government over-reach presiding we would get into tjis position with the political rivalries and hatred spread by the lying mainstream media which is more loyal to intentional money than its effective purpose of providing essential and partial journalism in America. Edge and Freeman says this virus and the reaction is all fake and intent to destroy business  and restaurants that big government and these corrupt evil Democratic leadership see as more likely to serve countries like China. One of the reasons restaurants and food business are having meat shortages is because past Democratic governors and presidents allowed China to purchase America meat processing plants and shit food raised and made in America into China.

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