Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
A lifelong and devoted surfer named Ben Kelly was surfing along Maresa state park when he was suddenly attacked by a brutal left shark in another attack of the warfare between surfers and sharks. Surfers lie Mr Kelly are mainly on the receives end of pain and hurt yet the sport and addiction to riding the waves and intruding on the habitats of the left shark goes abound and Mr Kelly will be followed by many others in the future despite the obvious dangers. Mr Kelly s dumber than shit and now he is deader than a door nail having spent time in waters that he knew were totally infiltrated with the sea beast known as the Left Sharks.

Ben Kelly will not be surfing and punk round in the quarters of sharks and sting rays and how this guy escaped shark justice before with his waddling deep into the beyond Blue horizon and into shark waters amazes the experts. Ben Kelly was playing with water and fire out in the waves and eventually a massive bull shark named 568tyfr brought him down and chopped up the arrogant surfer to fucking smithereens and he was unrecognizable as a human being when his widow blonde went to identity the remains and she thought it was a deal and this was some sick prank. For Benjamin Kelly is was all about the Benjamin as he surfed and sold surfboards encouraging others to risk their limbs and leg sin the waters and environments where man should not be hanging 9.

Dumb Ben Key was like a lot of people and thought because he had money and time he could do what he wanted and surfing was some legitimate hobby. Instead of living life to the fullest and making some children with his wife or girlfriend the man sits part of his body into the cartilage of some left shark out of the seas digesting a large part of this mans body as we speak.
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