Mask Fascist fake news reporter Omar Jimenez humiliated and arrested by Minneapolis state police

Lionel Wagner
    fake news reporter Omar Jimenez is a globalist lying jackass prick and reporter of fake news CNN bullshit  networking television. Omar couldn't believe it as a hundred state police marched down the street and cleared the streets of thus and ANTFA rioters as the city of Minneapolis was facing a communist uprising and terrorism fro Maoists and socialists on the streets of Minneapolis attempting to burn the entire city out of the death of a security bouncer drug dealer scumbag George Floyd who resisted police stop. The police arrested a a lying jackass reporter  who refused to move and Omar Jimenez tried to put the state troopers in harms  sway to film them and get their badge names with his nasty reporting and the man deserved to be cuffed and stuffed and I would not be surprised if Omar was in these Target stores trashing and looting during the day and the state troops  likely recognized the silly bastard.
 The producer of this fake news report team also was cuffed and stuffed like a wild goose as this propaganda news team sought to spin these stories and show support for the protesters as this is  the same evil network that keeps blasting
comparing  police responses and comparing Michigan state house patriot protest to these ANTIFA protests of looting an burning down in what all basically unnecessary protest as what the four police did was nothing illegal as they were arresting an suspect who refused to cooperate.  The four police officer snot only should not have been fired but not even suspended by the likes of fucking Omar Jiminez and the media propagandists immediately  jumped on this to promote ,produce, and  to incite leftists and undemocratic socialists to protest and cause chaos  all over this country with what was a police justifiable seizure and arrest of a weak damaged soul that died too easily while trying to be restrained   by the Minneapolis police force for passing counterfeit bills. Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA's violence are crating and only empowering a police state that will got full force into detaining and locking up adding these fuckers to our already strong and established criminal justice complex and many of these vermin  who burned and looted should not see the lght of day for a very long time  for messing with the police,

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