Guy Baldwin
Astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson want none of it and denied the rumors immediately upon being presented with the idea. As former boxing Champion and legend Mike Tyson looks to come back either in full time action of charity sparring relaxed boxing matches people have been suggesting that the famed New York museum curator of old shit Neil De Grass Tyson do something for a Tyson vs Tyson match up of some kind for charity. Neil De Grasse Tyson as seen the videos of Mike Tyson's punching prowess and return to speed and the last ting the nerdie Astro and Cosmonaut wannabee space cadet wants to do is ever get in a ring with MIke Tyson. The idea of Mike Tyson fighting Neil De Grasse Tyson is a complete joke and in now real physics based world would Tyson Grass even land a finger on Mike Tyson. Neil is not an athlete like Mike Tyson so he can't relate to the vigorous physical demands of training and working ones body because he is always looking at other bodies whether it be female versions on Earth or intergalactic bullshit out there in Star Land.

Neil Grass is no Tyson and he should have the Tyson moniker erased form his name as compared to Tyson Fury and Mike Tyson Neil De Grass is a joke and a weak loud moth lying clown as the guy insists that mankind will be living on Mars, Planet X and another planet just next to Saturn. Much of the country and maybe the world tough would love to see this scientist space cadet dipshit Neil De Grass enter the ring for a few seconds with a rejuvenated Mike Tyson but it appears Neil Tyson is even too scared to have Mike Tyson in the studio as a guest on star talk to talk about space,pigeons,physics, and the various combat sports.

Mike Tyson would virtually destroy Neil De grass in a one on one fight even if he had his left arm and leg handcuffed and was blindfolded. The amount of publicity though that a Iron Tyson can get fighting this scientist would make an amusing program and would be some interesting sport given the time we are in and how lack of sport is televised through this scam political virus and global lock down in 2020. Don't expect the rumored Mike Tyson Neil De Grass Tyson boxing match anytime soon as Neil's wishes to preserve is brain and think of more space bullshit and make deniro from it.
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