Alex Mousolpolous
Greek podcaster Nikos and Mistakos play video game soften and speak with fork tongue on gaming and promotion. Occasionally though they get into politics and direct their rage often at the Turkish Republic and its expansive polices in the region as Nikos and Mistakos cannot believe this country has not faced massive sanctions for their attack in Libya and Syria as these countries are outside their boundaries and the military incursions of the mad Turks against their neighbors needs to be held in check, Finally a growing alliance that crazed Turkish dictator Recep Tayipp has described as an alliance of evil is attempting to checkmate this Turkish dog and his overseas adventures as the mad dog Turk makes claims on natural resources outside of his countries sphere.

Turkey is facing potential conflict in the region as Cyprus,Greece, France, Egypt, and the United Arab Eremites are steeping up to the plate and demand the and of Recep Erdogan's personal war and vendetta of Libyan strongman Khalifa Hafter controlling the Eastern part of Libya and waging war against radical Islamist which Mr Tayipp Erdgan is a major part of the movement. Nikos and Mistakos also mocked the Turkish Cypriot protesting not being able to come to the Greek part of Cyprus and work now with the Coronvirus

plague and they reminded their listeners that the Turkish presence on Cyprus is illegal and the Turkish republic is not recognized by any state outside Anakara. Turkey is a radical Islamo fascist state looking to spread it tentacles and is doing basically the same thing Germany was doing in the few years prior to World War II as the neo-Confederate and Neo-Ottomon Turkish dictator is expanding his military and army onto other peoples lands and stans. The fact that five nations would push back and challenge the evil that Recep Tayipp Erdogan is attempting t accomplish thus enraging him as he calls them the evil alliance instead of looking inward to his Islamo-fascist sharia state that routinely oppresses the secularists and non-Extremists in Turkey. Nikos wondered if this Turk authoritarian leader is actually a gamer and is mixing virtual reality with controlling a real military and whether this poses a major danger for the region and cause of this mad mans mental stablility.

Erdogan is playing a dangerous game and these five nations along with Libya and the Balkan nations may indeed invade and overthrow this son of a bitch risking the breakup of Turkey and eventual Independence of the Kurds long more deserving of a nation than this shit being allowed to rig elections and suppress the freedoms and rights long earned from the forming of the Turkish republic following World War I the great war. Mistakos and Nikos went on a half hour rant and then went back to Twitch playing Call of Duty or Legend of Warlocks video series and trolling the other players.
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