Clifford Gifford
Veteran right- wing radio host Rush Limbaugh says the next four months the Democrats will virtually attempt to further their economic war on president Trump and the US economy and Rush predicted a civil war is looming on our horizon. Rush Limbaugh came on his award winning radio show and made these bold presidents and even suggested that the Democrats will never allow Joe Biden to be on top f the ticket and these geese are cooking something likely to put one of the New York monarchs of Jew face Chuck Schumer or son of Mario Como on top of the ticket in the presidential run in 2020. They close up tot he shut down of our economy is all political and partisan and the lying John Hopkins over inflation data game is on team with team coup of Trump along with all the other major health organizations with extreme loyalty to China and the World Heath Organization.

Rush Limbaugh says the next four months will see evil Democrats double up on tier strict lockdown working with international health experts whose main goal is not saving lives but saving their trade advantages and installing their own puppet in the Democratic Party to hold power and reside in the White House. Joe Biden Rush says will never for president and Schumer and Pelosi are already looking to replace him with a more viable candidate

and Rush warned these Democrats that they are feeling for civil war if their Chinese style measures continue and American business is shut down as armed militias are organizing and ready to fight in battle along with the street protesters that will be o par with Hong Kong ready to go into these lock down Democratic zones and battle the globalist gestapos agents for the new colonizers of globalism. Rush said the next four months will see this coup intensify as the democrats and the international warlord enemies seek to punish this country and keep it virtually inaccessible and locked down to meet their needs as they seek to take out global leaders from Trump to Jair Bolsonaro.. The United States is on path for a civil war as Rushbo said and there is little or nothnig Joe Biden can do about it as he has already been ordered to stay put in the foreseeable future and not to leave his wife's basement.
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