Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Stacy Abrams is a pig and a balf a woman so intent hungry for power and good Southern styled churches fried chicken. The lawyer and former state rep almost got herself elected as governor with massive voter fraud and deterministic from overseas money and now this monster is trying to be sleepy Joe's vice president nominee. This woman is so repulsive in so many ways but her ignoring of the sexual rape allegations of senator Joe Biden and his sex attacks on interns and young females of friends.f

Stacy Abrahm's is sick in addition to being fat and her total disregard for the rape of Tara Reade at the hands of this monster Joe Biden who used his power and threat to get away is more the reason why this large woman should never hold a position of large office. This woman is a fat clown and a fucking joke and typical of the shit the left.The Democrats, and the mainstream media wish to promote as a valuable person for serious political position. This woman seeks to be a career politician and desires hunger the dream money that comes with this power and much like food this woman would abuse this power.

This fried chicken lying Democrat came aboard Amy Goodwins repulsive leftist on-line presence called Democracy today and made excuse after excuse desperate to get to Joe Biden's good side and if Biden was a Republican the fat monster would be believing in Tara Reades sexual accusations . This beast Stacy Abrams is so hungry for political power and placates defending Joe Biden because she can taste the vice president position and wants to devour it. This woman is no role model for woman as any woman that can;t even take care of their body and is like 400 pounds should not be taken seriously and only in the corrupt Southern black community can a large ass like this get herself elected and be considered a leader. Stacy Abrams wants to be vice president and have a dream job of opening her mouth not only to speak but to eat more and have five star catered meals given to her ten times a day and she will continue to ignore the actions and incompetency of Joe Biden in order to gain this dream money job this fat bitch is so hungry.

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