Tom Barrett calls in National Guard as David Clarke and chief Alfonso Morales decry need for martial law after weekend Milwaukee riot

Martin Manziel
Dream Money
  Black lazy Negroes with nothing to do went on a rampage Friday night looting over a hundred businesses in the greater Milwaukee area which prompted the hesitant far-left liberal awful mayor Tom Barrett to call in the National Guard. Mayor Mary Barrett  did not want to call the National Guard in further upset the black says he is scared of them yeah he had no choice and his orders Sheriff as ordered Police Superintendent to call every available officer this weekend in Milwaukee as more George Floyd protests occur and black radical black lives matter fascist ignore social distancing.
Sheriff David Clarke has requested the President Trump federal troops be sent in and has hinted at the idea that martial law may be declared for Milwaukee and surrounding suburbs including Glendale, ,Waowatosa, GreenWood, Wakesha, Greendale, Wotoshi ,and Glenwood, The massive amount  of militarization spending and the dream money jobs it provided are now coming in handy as libtard
soften criticized the increase militarization of police but as we also noted when we  have forty million Buck Negroes in this country all brainwashed by a Chinese/Iranian funded media then you have a powder keg of potential turmoil thanks to are overseas advisories. Mayor Barrett reluctantly visited the riot scenes and didn't want to criticize the wild bucks that looted and burned and turned to his police chief to say and do something as Mayor Barrett is totally incompetent another weak useless Democratic Green Party type politician. The real racism is the endless blasting of White society and White people in genral by the media putting full blame for continued racism for the systematic slaughter of 17 unarmed black Americans in  a yearin the same nation that sees well over a thousand brutal Black on White murders in the same year and is never broadcaster by the media. Chief Alfonso Morales is on top of it and Milwaukee police are reviewing tapes and the massive looting of a business called Trend Benderz and these rioters and looter in Milwaukee are so stupid many of them are walking around wearing the new stolen merchandise that the owner said he lost upward of a million dollars. They were bale to do this looting becaue our mayor in Milwaukee Tom Barrett is a lightweight,a flyweight, as strong as a kite.
Dream Money Milkshake Podcaster and current Milwaukee County chief warlord David Carke called president Trump and inquired about the possibility of sending in federal forces as the Milwaukee region is on a two week curfew as tis city is often threatened by the madness in the brains of Black
Lives Matter and ANTIFA, both of whom should be labeled as domestic terrorist organizations, and Clarke is considering placing the country on martial law tings could get out of spiral and these crazed Chinese and Russian funded Democratic socialist attempt to burn the city down before the Democratic convention. Sheriff David Clarke says this is nothing about protesting the death of George Floyd and all about criminals taking over the streets and attempting to control large portions of the city for their drug trade and criminal organizations as they can smell the fear form liberal  in Milwaukee and week kneed government of wimp Tom Barrett who should resign pronto and let the sheriffs and police run Milwaukee.

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