Virginia scumbag Governor Ralph Northam sued by Christians and double up on the war against Christianity through coronavirus hoax

Clark Kramer
    President Pence blasted the lying jackass and took the jack out of Virginia Governor's authoritarian ass. The Blue cities and states are funded by Chinese and Islamic money to politically repress American christian and president Pence put on a fucking mask and blasted the recent anti-Christian decisions of these governor sin particularly the wicked shit in Virginia named Ralph Northman. The insane in the membrane awful authoritarian governor of Virginia is now being sued as his war on Christians and attacks on people right to hold worship and pray to their creator within  a group as God dictates is under attack and is another example of the war on religious freedom that the crazed socialists and Democrats have been waging for some time .
Governor Northum is a creepy scene and health profession and one that cannot be trusted as Doctor Northam and other health officials ar looking for their incomes to grow and the benefit of their financial situation with this coronovirus and false reporting. Why anyone would trust their kid alone with this fucker wacko that is governor Northam and the authoritarian sick ways of abusing power and hatred of people I will never know and hopefully the health professions will be seen in anew light with their attempt to consolidate and use their power against the res t of society they seek to repress in so many ways.
 president Pence say this mask craziness and over reach of the Democrats has overreached and its attack on Christianity will be fully resisted by proud Christians who know men like Ralph Northam and their fallacies will be resisted,
Governor Ralph Northam and other democratic governors decided early on that they can use this crisis of a fake Chinese virus to politically repress and destroy the church and the Christian institution and men like Governor Northam are threatening a possible civil war in this country with their attacks on peoples liberties and religious rights and men like  Northam will be held accountable for their actions and evil thoughts concerning peoples religious faiths.
The nuts like this governor are splitting the country attempting to work with the globalists and enemies of America to destroy this economy and a potential civil war is flaming up thanks to these authoritarians in power and using it to abuse the rights earned through the formation and evolution of our country that is now under attack by massive immigration of folks use to an from one party states . Pastor Kevin Wilson and Pastor Fred G Sanford are suing the pants off of this asshole.
The religious right and their rights of religious gathering cannot be hinged regardless of the eple beliefs system an ways but for the communists like Ralph Northam that have upended our politics this is  something that war needs to be waged upon by the evil occupied anti-American government that holds sway and power in so many states around this country.

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