Tony Miselli
Money Talk
Bars ans restaurants are slowing opening up and yours truly got to enjoy this pastime long suppressed and denied by the Democratic Party in its vengeful economical warfare against family business. Rotten horrendous leftist governor Tont Evers and his Democratic base tried their best to suppress business and prevent workers from going out as the Democrats sought out leftist stimulus package program and this is the main purpose of initiating this coronvirus lockdown attempts hijacking the economy to politically attack Trump. Wisconsinites protested vehemently against this lockdown knowing full well it political consequences and purposes and thankfully the State supreme court stopped the madness of this little work fuck Tony Evers and rescinded this silly son of a bitches stay at home measures and basically all of these Governor heath fascistic fabricated numbers and orders should be ignored as the original intent is not about protecting people by using this crisis to
weaponizes and use for the 2020 elections. Evers is a extreme radical communist that has no business telling business to shut down and he alone determining what business is or isn't essential. Tony Evers and his trolls wish to socially distant people into submission and a cementing the rule of the scientists and their special status as a new caste system they seek to enforce on this country. This little lab coat rat governor Tony Evers is hated in his own state and people in and around Wisconsin know this man is another shit fried brain old fuck seeking to attack peoples freedoms and fun because like Anthony Fauci this prick is older than fuck and ins not invited to parties and social gatherings of more than ten people.
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