Arrest Jay Inselee and break up his soy boy Seattle army occupation f downtown Seattle as the battle of Seattle and civil war is upon thy

  Milton Wiener
   The insane Democrats are ruled by weak loser son pay day loan  form China and with the sole goal of dividing and destroying this country and for far left loser Jay Inslee this is becoming serous problem as his incompetency or complicity has now seen radical ANTIFA terrorists take over a six block area from the city and setting up of its own personal Khmer Rouge style of rouge state . Jay Insell was asked a question how something as the occupation and withdrawal of police could exist in 2020 and Mr Inslee acted like he was totally unaware of this and his puppet sign language guy was having a ball not making any sense with his hand gestures and as first seen in South Africa some years back these sign language side men are just basic trolls to these politicians opponents.
Jay Insell is both a son of a bitch and a husband of a homo and for much of the systematic problem of loser leftist trolling and anarcho anti-capitalism v and vandalism has to do we have a growing legionaries of weak men that women find unattainable. These men (if they can be called that) are actually boys with no prospects,respect,love, and patriotism and if one cannot even love the country of their birth how are these fuck jobs to find  woman and create a family. our data shows that abut 90% of these anarchist ANTIFA running around a police free zone in Seattle will never get married unless you want to include their forced pet as a potential marriage partner whcih the
progressive nuts may one day attempt to legalize they are so full of dogshit. Dog shit governor and fuck face Jay Insleee is begging and daring for Trump to do something as he has clearly stated he has no intention of interrupting the agenda of these women less losers in Seattle who couldn't get laid if htey were the only man and stuck with Ginger and Mary Ann on a secluded island for three years. Federal militayr forces need to be withdrawn protecting wealthy Germans and Korean and need to be air droped into the  rautnomus zone and both the mayor of Seattle and this fucker governor need tp be deposed and thrown into a military prison system cell to be established in Alaska.

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