Bucky Brown and Majik Daw have no problem of North Melbourne Kangaroos playing before an audience of sex dolls

Dave Berkson
   The  North Melbourne Kangaroos are commencing with another award winning season as Bucky Brown and the boys jump,tackle,kick,throw,run, squat,and use numerous athletic qualities to basically show  the world for to see the best sport in the world. Through the global fake pandemic of the Coronvirus scam though the Kangaroos must play before empty stadiums which is a shame as Majik Daw , the goofy one, and Bucky Brown continue to jump for all to see and hear if at least just for the television crews.
Te North Melbourne Kangaroos are the worlds most famous Australian Rules football and  seeing them play before in a empty stadium is depressing and now there is talk of copying the South Korean soccer club method of filling stadiums and making the game play n the boob screen more appealing by filling up the stadiums with Asian sex dolls and robots.
 Bucky Brown and the boys would have no problem but conservative Australasian society likely wouldn't liek seeing their prized national Auussie football team have to field and play with themselves in front of a stadium filled wit sex dolls nobody thankfully in their right mind ever purchased as anyone who does is a fucking nut and this sis something most Australian Rules players,owners, and umpires can all agree.
Majik Daw as a trophy White Aussie wife but that doesn't stop him from peering into the crowd from time to time and e looks forward to hanging out and purchasing some of these dolls after a game. Whether Daw also appreciate Asian women or doll bot  is not known but likely this guy would touch anything that moves and as of yet it does not appear South Korean manufacturers have been able to produce dolls that do freely move about. it appears though with this mass paranoia about germs and viruses that perhaps there can be a new legitimate audience and purpose on creating these dolls aside form sex and that Mark Cuban and other billionaires will go about and filling their stadiums which in the long turn having fake" fans in the stands in the long run will save them money than having to fund stadium repairs or pay for police/security and other detail although the owners would actually still have to hire grounds crews to maintain the field.

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