Cornell West goes apeshit on Sean Hannitty's program as civil rights attorney disrespects trolls him and causes a meltdown

Ed West
    We have long been writing what an insane piece of Black shit Cornell West is with his same Chinese puppet funded talking points and attacks on our political system and culture as the crazed leftist professor is insane and a buffoon clown with his talk and appearance and because of this he has made some good jingle on television appearances. When one has added this along with his circuit speaking tour and fake book sales it is clear that this man is not ever been affected by the system or institutionalized racism but in fact has profited from his own racism he as often spread from his authoritarian bully pulpit and position as a gangster in society. Cornell West is a longtime academic ally and friend of Americas gangster class often praising the virtues of the Black Panthers to P Stone Rangers and other Black gangs and  the amount of money this turkey makes form gang support makes Cornell West a gangster and a dangerous personality.
 Cornell west was described by Crystal Ball and the hill as a thoughtful delightful individual and they were shocked to see Mr West  apeshit and what it is is if West is challenged he becomes that gangster demon that is the reality of his personality trait as this man is incapable of actually doing debate with those ho do not think like him such as Sean Hannitty's other Guest Leo Terrell who unlike these other libtards that often have Mr West on tie
program let the rabble rouser dribble his lies and inflammatory misinformation. Krystal Ball and Saggar would feel the wrath of Cornell Khan if they actually ever challenged the nonsense and horseshit this man delivers and once again as Ktrstal and Saggar were talking of this FOX News segment a shout out to Joe Rogan and his softball interview with Cornell about a year ago was brought up. Unfortunately the world id not filled with softball panels and hosts as Sean and Leo challenged liberal policies and Democratic dominance in cities and Cornball West went apeshit again when actually challenged with tough love questions and rebuttal.
 If Crystal Ball and Saagar Patel ever asked real questions and challenged a Cornell West they   would see that he is not such a thoughtful friendly clown and would easily turn into the evil buffoon  baboon clown that he is long brainwashing college students on the leafy campuses of some of the most prestigious campuses on this nation and a Cornell west has indirectly aided to the role of today's domestic BLM and ANTIFA terrorists in our country as a top original gangster allied fuck mother he is as a rotten human demon. The Cornell West meltdown on Hannitty's program is not surprising as this would happen all of the time if he actually appeared more on interview programs that actually had this opposed to the bullshit Mr Cornell lies and repeats often as his usual Chinese sponsored talking points that this cretin often delivers unchallenged in bias new sites such as Democracy Today, CNN/?CNN, an the  Black gangster owned MSNBC

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