Crazed Steve Chapman thinks Basement Biden should pick Obama era radical Susan Rice to be his vice president

  Leonardo McGregor
   Susan Rice is a extremist radical Black supremacist and with this in mind fake news columnist and fr-left columnist Steve Chapman naturally would think this bitch would make a good vice president pick. Steve Chapman is eager for the Democrats to gain power so the trade barrier son China can be reversed and that the staus quo and good fortunes to the major newsprint industry can be maintained and keep steady far-left propagandists such as this fuck face Steve Chapman in power. Susan Rice was an insider on the National Security Council waging drone attack and was and she would likely bring this intense tactic an force as a vice president and many people wouldn't trust this woman in the highest office. This woman not only alienates many Americans but failed  miserable in any meaningful negotiations with North Korea,Russia, China, and other adversaries and this jackass Chapman only puts
this woman up on a pedistel because she is a black woman. Whoever the geriatric hair touching little girl harasser Joe Biden picks they will likely  step aside form this old Owl and put him in a ringer and take over his presidency in a undemocratic power grab and what Joe Biden should o is step aside and allow another new round of democratic elections to take place and postpone the election to 2021.

Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune and other newspaper columnists are 99%  ultra liberal and openly so Democratic Party favorite n their writing that there should ba a side panel explaining to the reader the bias political stance of these extremists that have overtaken all of the journalist mass media jobs and use it to attack Republican and conservative policy as an nonofficial branch of the CCP and Democratic Party. Susan Rice is the candidate for China and much like Hussein Obama she would work with Joe Biden in rectifying trade deals that Trump as reversed and serve  them to again favor and enriched the Chinese middle men if trade and ship production and prevent manufacturing in America from rebounding and being funded.

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