Lil Nas X and Seth Rogan triggered after Tucker Carlson show them to be funding domestic terrorists

Carlson Tucker
    The far left entertaining class is undeserving and hoarding entertainment among themselves sin an industry that long censored and self-selected based on politics who was to succeed and this this in mind FOX New television's excellent anchor Tucker Carlson again angered this plutocratic but socialist class of mad entertainers as he listed dozens of entertainers who paid for the bail and bond of these violent thug protester vandals arrested during the pre-planned George Thug death protests. Two  of the morons mentioned for funding the looting of America are rotten homosexual nasty negro Li Nas X and far=left radial bad comedian and good example of an asshole which is Seth Rogan.
Both of these untalented bums are only celebrities besides of their extremist beliefs and hatred for this nation and preference to be ruled and rewarded by outside nefarious forces that long had power and control over the fucking entertainment class--a wicked cult of evil that president Trump and the Republican patriots should work hard to sabotage and defund as this industry has done nothing but attack and mock this nation through its art. Lis Nas X is a radical sick,twisted homosexual and he and Rogan took to twitter to attack Mr Carlson and both en take it hard in the ass by other men every chance they get they are so mentally deranged and insane in the membrane.
Lil Nas is a nasty bad rapper who is full of horseshit and does cultural appropriation tryogn to be a cowboy when he is just an urban homsexual of which there are many especially in the Black community with a much higher rate of bi sexuality and homosex compared to other populations. Seth Rogan is just  a fucking idiot that I don't k now anything about but he  is mostly likely Jewish is he is in Hollywood nd he is often loud and outspoken asshole on politics so he must be a Jew. I don't even need to check that up. There really is not much more to say about Seth Rogan and why he believes what he does but the fact is these two dipshits form the left are so triggered and angry that Tucker exposed their asses they are losing it on-line. One other tibit on this story is doing research one can come across the massive  tech propaganda and lies as a vast majority of stories on this story is a pro-Lil sissy  Nas X and Seth Rogan done by a tremendous amount of on-line website lefties propaganda retelling and rehashing this story as these celebrities hitting back at Tucker with words such as "slamming" roasting" and other demeanor  of their take on Tucker Carlson instead of exposing and questioning why these son of a bitches are funding domestic terrorists to burn business.
I'm sure If Nate X and Seth Rogan saw their homes and valuables torched by these BLM Nazis and ANTIFA Communists they would not be funding the protesters and bailing them out. Seth Rogan and Lil Nas X speak with fork tongue when he says he hasn't been helping these cities bur because the amount  of money he and the celebrity class gives to BLM fascists and terrorists has been tremendous and they are shocked and appalled that there is a media outlet that unlike NBC,CBS,ABC, AND CNN actually exposes this scumclass for what it is and Lil Nas X and Mr Rogan should be arrested along with the other  people mentioned and serve long prison time for their involvement in this vandalism and damage of the past few weeks.

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