Sam Harris and guest Yale professor Daniel Markowitz talk about the lies of meritocracy

      Jacoby Genevese
    Great neurosurgeon and cultural critic Sam Harris came aboard his little listened to podcast and spoke of the growing problem of inequality and the falsehood of meritocracy reporting how therich have harvested wealth and positions for their families giving them an extreme advantage in training and education against others of the Middle Class and lower socioeconomic means. Sam and is guest said that the elites have use their power and managed money to ensure their children suceed by any means necessary and then use t  term meritocracy to explain their success and this along with globalist ties and chains of foreign attachment explains much of the growing inequality and distribution of wealth towards a small upper elite in this country.
Sam and Dan also spent some time of how this class owns  the urban political class and the Democratic party along with the media that is hostile to the right and aspirations of people outside this class and the mainstream media is an effective tool for the plutocratic and techno class tp play people and divide and conquer and this is what we are seeing  with their heavy focus of Black and police brutality and something that doesn't even exist in their distraction to the public against the rigged system they are their international cronies have set up for themselves around the world.
Sam and Daniel said how our programming has now focused only on the wealthy in society and are no longer spending any time of devotion to programming featuring the Middle Class and this is a socioeconomically cultural acceptance of this stratification and the only part of life catching the attention  of the media is the upper class and celebrity classes and both SAM and Daniel said this is damaging both for civilization and politics. Sam and Daniel also talked bout how new social norms explain that the super rich have for the most part become slim and in great shape often taking time out to do iron man events while the poor are more likely be slugs and fat fucks like Eric Garner selling cigarettes on a New York street corner and then become a social destructive debate as he get himself choked to death resisting arrest. Harris and
Markowitis though can't explain why this cultural norm of the wealthy and poor ha reversed  itself in a hundred and two hundred years although the  are exceptions as Illinois Governor billionaire JB Pritizker and Hazard County corrupt multi millionaire JD Hogg are still silly fat fuckers from hell.
Professor Markovitis wants a one time wealth tax to redistribute wealth form the old guard into the health scare scare industry and fraud of the Coronovirus spending and redistribution of wealth for a shared sacrifice and the way he explained it seems that this may be the ultimate end goal of the Coronovirus scam to begin. The ruing elites are also funding these protests and using their wealth and power to subsidize the protests and use the lower classes to attack Middle Class business owners just as the economy was opening up with these unnecessary police brutality demands as the police are killed by armed Blacks than police kill unarmed Blacks.

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