Sam Seder attacks Joe Rogan for questioning the George Floyd protests

   Bert Berg
   YouTube internet lefties Sam Seder has com out strong against Joe Rogan playing a video and criticizing Mr Rogan for his lack of empathy for the Floyd George protests as Rogan s puzzled and keeps asking what is it these protesters want and what is their end game. Sam Seder and his ugly female co host have attacked Joe Rogan on several occasions as for the far left Seder no expression   of doubt or question of wonderment is needed and people in the media are to follow and accept the message of the protest and as Sam Seder says if you don't understand these Black Lives Matter more protesters then you are the problem. Sam says Joe hs toxic white male masculinity and ony a wuss soy boy pansy king like Sam or these other leftiests and members of ANTFA can relate to the tribunals of being Black in Amerikkka
 Sam Seder is often green with jealousy of the success of Joe Rogan as a podcaster and he is further incensed that Rogan never had this clown on his show so thhs is why we believe the intensive scrutiny and critical annalist is often directed towards the UFC commentator from what is essentially al ittle internet bias political worm with little to add and much shit to spread.  Sam Seder says Joe doesn't understand as he and his life has been one of prov ledge and that Joe Rogan shouldn't comment on police brutality and Sam was willing to be the police always treated him with respect and never forced him out of the car to ahhhh replicate a MMA fight with him on the street of his gated community. Sam Seder is no fan of the bald Rogan and he cant believe this man has such popularity and influence as Sam as like forty subscriber son his Majority Report libtard production and his Ring of Fire radio shows around the country don;t even get a half percent of the radio market at time of play. San Seder feels good when he blsts right wing thinkers and tlaksers as he has labeled Joe Rogan and at the end of this vide clearly Sam was proud of it and he noticed a rare occasion as his small three inch penis was stilff and ahhhhh the hardest he has ever felt in decades. next week. Sam Seder goes aftr Tim Pool

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