Did Dunkin Donuts help deplatform and smear Shane Dawson and is he dead???

Jason Percy
Shane Dawson was once the poster fly boy of internet fame and had so much money in the personality vlogger game. Shane Dawson though was canceled by a sick culture reexamining all comedic material and there  are persistent rumors that Mr Dawson is no longer with s as Shane Dawson has not been sen for some months after he lost his YouTube channel and other social media accounts as the leftist mobs came after him and demanded he be demonetized for his toxic on-line presence and content.
 Shane Dawson may or may not be dead and this has the internet buzzing as the famed Youtuber who once had millions and millions of devoted loyal fan base of humans and on-line bots is MIA and some are wondering if he never existed and was AI himself . Sane no longer ha his sinecure YouTube position and this is the going that may kill him and he become kaput. We Believe  also playing  a part in his downfall was the role of large corporate Dunkin Donuts, our 
favorite chain in belittling and getting back at him numerous videos where he called places like Mattress Giant and Dukin Donuts as shell companies soften ignored by passerby and mainly empty at night and wondered why these business exist aside form setting up monetary funneling operations with local villages. Dunkin Donuts likely  funded research into derailing Shane Dawson and worked tenaciously to get this YouTuber off the internet for his numerous videos mocking the power of these large global mega corporations including this one that has bad doughnuts and awful coffee.

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