Mike Gundy is one of many overpaid college football coaches who get paid from the game of football and does little to add to the game and is on a privileged position and doesn't want to lose it. With this in mind Stupid Mike Gundy quickly retracted his devoted following and support of news network that was pro-Trump and supports our great president unlike he other foreign-funded conglomerates of hedge fund backing and run by internationalist plutocrats. A star running back was so triggered and went on a twitter rant about his over-paid coach being in rephotograph wearing t shirt with the emblem of the OAN network and if Mike Gundy likes this network and want sto wear a t shirt of it then it is his business. Running back Chuba Hubbard apparently didn't like the idea of working for free and having i=his coach watch and enjoy OAN. Chuba was so chumbawamba he decided to tell on him ..so snowflake and sad and mad Mr Hubbard went right to the college president doors and lie Martin Luther nail a list of grievances including not getting paid by the college and not being served more fried Chicken for team meals after practice. I wonder if Chuba would of complained and bitched like the bitch he is if Mike Gundy had a Trump 2020 t shirt as well

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