Fire Adrian Wojnarowski as president Trump calls Josh Haley and this NBA reporter kiss ass for China

   Dave Berkson
    Triggered snowflake over pid reporter for ESPN quite literally worships the ground and ood courts of the NBA and its athletes and the sick fuck reporter is no suspended after  diatribe he sent in threatening email exchanges with US senator Josh Hawley after Hawley highly criticized the social justice platform the NBA was allowing it players and its pro-Chinese stance given the extreme nature the CCP Chinese state monopolist are willing to go and fund this ball league in America. What is disturbing is the NBA and ESPN has not fired this son of a pig Adrian Wojnarowski. President Trump called both this hack reporter for Chin pretending to be a sports annalist and he called Josh Hawley  to try to get to an understanding of this and find out why ESPN is always so pro-China and seems bent on working with them to spread dissent with the American nation and use influential NBA stars to accomplish this mission.
 This ESPN reporter is a fuck face form China and get his paycheck not fro ESPN but I believe it reads CCP and this man travels to this repressive authoritarian country once  a year to get a briefing along with other  reporters in the American mainstream media to how they should report and treat China reminding them that the real enemy is the policies and goals of his own nation. Hawley had written a letter to express his displeasure of the growing dangerous ties between the NBA and this enemy empire of the United States and why is the league being used to promote social justice anti-police messages and whether China played a role in this financing.
 trump told this fuck face foreign named Adrian hat he was ut of bounds and needs to show senators and politicians the same respect he would sow a third stringer 14th man on a NBA roster and that he should lose his job for his email to senator Josh Halwey. Trump said if it were up to him this Adrian Wojnarowski would be out of a job and should be brushing up on his Chinese to learn more and work in CHINA as he would say as his days of lies and misrepresentation tot he American sports public would be kaput. 

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