Gay Gorilla Bobo now getting free health care and tested for Coronvirus in a zoo in Miami

Dwight Dwyer
Animal Stories
  The Covid 19 scam and hoax continues and now they are counting Gorillas and gay monkey and chimps as Covid cases as well. The untrustworthy greedy for-profit health industrial complex has no shame and goes all bounds to smear president Trump and extort other business people to get their larger share of the economic pie they feel they deserve form America and governments all over the world. A news story came out that Bobo or Jazbolen the Gay Gorillas out of Miami's state zoo penitentiary got into a scrape and injured form fighting his genetic brother Ape over some Banana
skins and had to be taken to the hospital and received better health care than the vast majority fo Americans a these bored Health professions and nurses were happy and showed great respect to this four hundred pound ape human like beat thing. Bobo the Gorilla receive the best of care and even had a swba shoved up its nostrils and A hole  as the health profiteers have now thought up and discovered a new way to maximize profits form big government and are now testing animal captives for the Wuhan Chinese man virus that came out of China in late November of 2019.
 Jozobolla received some stitches for being a snitches and his brother really laid down the smack down and some bite marks and zoo officials are trying to decide how best to separate  and prevent a repeat and having this Gay Gorilla more his brother from coming in again  and taking up valuable air time and inconvenience the staff nurses with having to provide intense care for what is essentially a Ape. The staff responded well but hope the next big hairy creature is a Sasquatch next time as that would make incredible history.

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