Kanye West is no Adam West and is another typical loud mouth attention seeking rapper. Mr West likes to interject himself in politics and often does so as he has an insatiable need for attention and now th Black Man not only wants to be Batman but the man and Kanye west is seriously considering running for president. His honest declared his candidacy to challenge both Joe Basement and Donald Trump yesterday and says he may pick Oprah Winfrey as his running mate and the news of the hip hop media and far left wing web sites reverb ted as Kanye West once again talked about becoming president. Kanye West needs to follow the example of the last president and become a Kenyan citizen and maybe he should consider running for president of this African country. Mr West has no experience to be president or the mental capacity as he is both polar and bi sexual a man confused to death with what he likes but becoming president take rigorous mental stability and fortitude and clearly this young buck doesn't have it and should stick to music.

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