Jason Percy
Dunkin Donuts announced a closure of some four hundred donuts shops and for a second many Dunkin haters thought this was the beginning of the end for this donut conglomerate monopolist that has worked and corrupted a global system with village leaders in America to basically take over all spots. Mary an Clyde and Dunkinphobia and with this in mind they decided to travel to Toms Rovers, In New Jersey and stop at the Speedway Dunkin Donkeys to gt the "experience" of what a Dunkin Donuts Speedway gas station would be like for the millions and millions of commuter that will no longer be able to have this habit.

Marty and Clyde wondered why anyone would stop and get coffee at a gas station as coffee is suppose to be drunk on a table and not in a car and the hurrying of it ruins the who coffee experience. They noticed the coffee tasted like gas as the fumes from the near by gas station delivers a wicked after taste and this was even worse than the regular coffee that Mary and Clyde often are critical of this coffee chain that is no longer even making donuts as much as they once did.

The experience sitting in the few dirty tables and chairs as people moved about lost and wondering aisles looking for their favorite candy bar and ships was nauseating along with their smells and Marty imagines this must be a disaster and no wonder Dunkin is cutting ties as it does not want to be known as a gas station branded beverage spot. Marty and Clyde look forward to the day regular Dunkin stores be shit down and were disappointed when fist seeing these headlines of store closings if Dunkin and thought the day and end to the fraud of this system had finally come. However, it was just a contract with gas stations and it appears Dunkin is at least getting away from their connections with Speedway mainly on the East coast and at least the homosexual Coffee critics of Marty and Clyde on-line can say they had the Speedway Dunkin sit down experience.
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