Miami's crazed mayor Francis Suarez sends in the Mask gestapo to fine/pickpocket people as Dean Gonzales and David Hines get tickets and call policy futuristic and fascistic

   Ramon Ramos
  Make no mistake that the hole mask enforcement policy is  partisan authoritarian approach and method brought up by recent Asian and Latino immigrants and those that dominate the global heath care fascism we are seeing today and the whole role and fear mongering by these scarecrows is to get more control over America . Miami crazed mayor Francis Suarez along with psychotic local doctors of the sport for the mask tyranny and health priesthood establishment such as crazed mad doctor  Alberto Dominguez-Bali seek to control and take over America for the Cuban  Latinx socialists along with
their Chinese CCP benefactors and are effectively eroding our civil liberties with their mask fascism
that is a danger for all of our rights and freedoms. Recently the police in Miami have been authorized to spread terror and theft walking around and looking for people not wearing masks outside in public and ALONE..and again we are calling for president Trump and Republicans to stop the madness of these mask thefts and crazy insanity form the likes of mad doctors such as Miami-Dade counties
Alberto Dominguez who often appears so mad he wants to push people and then wipe their blood off their face with a fucking  mask this  man is such a lunatic.  President Trump needs to sign a executive order
preventing the fining,imprisonment, and forced subjugation of the American people to the mask. Mayor Suarez and this nutty doctor will t be happy until all the beaches are cleared of bikini wear and we look like a 12th century Islamic caliphate or we all wear and look like members of the hospital industrial health care system and its workers this madness is revenge o these poor over-worked and over-paid professionals . David Hines says he cannot abide to this stupidity wearing a medical mask or
bandit bandanna looking like a Wild West wobber and Dean Gonzalez said he was wearing his fucking mask but was given a 150 dollar ticket because Miami's police are power hungry corrupt fucks and saw that his nose was not covered as he had trouble breathing and it was  like that for a few minutes. The mask insanity must end and why there has not been massive rioting and protesting of these decrees we have yet to understand. Miami and the surrounding regions are made jump of local officials scare crows of the masks which we will highlight in the week and most people are now forced to wear and shop with these ridiculous items under threat of government and fine and this is wrong.
Most people though are fucking idiots just want their cable television Netflix and other programming to be on when off work or home and don't have the courage or intensive fortitude to go out and protest against this tyranny. The Miami gestapo is going around and mandating people dehumanize themselves and humiliate themselves in public such as David Hines and Dean Gonzalez say and will ticket and steal right out of your pockets and this madness will not end unless president Trump issues a executive order preventing government profiteering form mask mandating and we are going to tweet him daily about this madness and need to resist  it for the restoration and prevention of the loss of our civil liberties.

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