Ramon Ramos
Chicago's own legendary Eddie Schwartz the king of lat night radio had Pacific Capital investment great Peter Schiff on his program to talk about ..what else..gold and silver. They discussed the situation where the mad dictator and socialist Nicolas Maduro,who is a former bus driver and limo driver for Hugo Chavez, tried to force the Bank of England to hand over a billion dollars of gold to this evil regime and Communist in Venezuela but was turned down by the courts in England as it declared this scumbag loser is not the legitimate leader f Venezuela and that Juan Guaido is and he is deserving of if any of this gold.

Schwartz and Schiff say the situation for Nicolas Maduro is getting desperate and this is why he sought to extract the gold back to Venezuela and now faces court battles as the US plans to take any oil shipments coming form the Islamic republic of Satan Iran into this socialist undemocratic country that has repressed the capitalists and sought to destroy the liberties of the upper class in a social justice campaign of theft and retribution. Just for the retribution and theft this son of a jackass Nicolas Maduro has conduct upon his own people is deserving of no reward and invalidity for this monster to collect his gold and the world community realizes and desires to see Juan Guaido take control and reign of hi country. Maduro has run his country much like a Democratic Blue city and governor in the Soviet States of America.

Schiff is glad this mad dog is not going to get the gold and that eventually he told Schwartz this man is not going to be able to retain power forever and his voter suppression and attempts to forbid and rigg elections has failed in the eyes f the international community who know this son of a Donkey is not deserving and the rightful leader of this once powerful South American juggernaut that leftists such as this bus driver and Hugo Chavez have wrecked and extracted wealth for themselves.

Schiff looks forward to the day Venezuela is free from this demon and that the international community can once again freely invest in this country and help it and its people prosper once again and he feels comfortable that the days of Maduro are going to end soon and new voices and leaders like Juan Guaido will get their rightful place in redirecting this ship that the socialist monsters have reversed course in Venezuela and nearly sunk the ship. Fast fat Eddie also stated that the day will come where Nicolas Maduro will be brought for crimes against his people along with drug smuggling charges as this man has helped lead a global war against the United States with infiltrating this country will narcotics not seen in a concentrated campaign to weaken a nation and empire as the British s=conducted on China during the Opium war.
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