Luke Frey
President Trump blasted his vocal critics Jimmy Kimmel and Alyssa Milano a new ass for their continual of Black face and called them out a typical hypercritical entertainers and scum of the far left using the platform of their celebrity to be a political voice where their opinion and experience doesn't matter. President Trump aid form day one the entertainment class has worked against his improvements for the rest of the country as the entertainers are concerned for the growth of their bogus insanely high contracts that they feel are threatened as the president attempts to level the economic playing field and bring about a reversal of the fortunes of those who so reward the celebrity scumbag class. President Trump said all of Hollywood is made of scumbag entertainers like Milano and Jimmy Kimmel who lie and propagandize working hard to bring about economic misery and no opportunities for others while they live the miler High Life.

President Trump singled out scumbag Jimmy Kimmel and Alyesa Milano's recent tribulations and their black face skit sin the past that exposes the racism and this is an accusation these two silly bastards have thrown out at trump for some time as he reminded the former Illinois Governor now turned podcaster by none other than the president himself.

Blagojevich called out these two along with other Hollywood entertainers with being the actual racist and he wonders how Trump could handle with tis increasing belligerent media and he blamed the same sources that railroaded him and put him away for a lost decade as Rod Blagojevich sat in prison for nothing while serial killers and rapists served

two month terms in Illinois. Lightening" Rod also blasted Alyesa Milano as a flake and a real wench witch who will resemble one as she gets older and Rod wonders how much weight Ms Milano will pull when she either gains weight or comes to resemble the Sea Hag more than what she was in her youth that still gives her some political voice and influence as a extremist in the media. Milano is slowly evolving into the Sea Hag and she should bow out and exit strategy fork political talk and a source of misinformation and division and she adds nothing and in reality accomplish nothing except for her looks that attained her status but are now starting to go way of the Sea Hag of Popeye lore.
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