Sam Seder drunk like a skunk depressed at friend Michael Brook's death and considers running for president in 2024

Earl"Bam Bam' Cunningham
    Lefties host of the Majority Report lost a team member in his devoted coffee errand boy and sidekick Michael Brooks who was taken away form the world and from the left-wing media propaganda internet sites some weeks ago. Michael Brooks produced so much bullshit and horseshit as a advocate and liar for undemocratic socialism some virus or bacteria spread into his boy and reached his brain and his ars killing him quickly and since the Sam Seder has been off cut and horrible on his Ring of Fire and Majority report broadcast outlets. Sam Seder sounds inscrutable without the late Michael  Brooks likely  getting loaded and drunk like a skunk often mumbling words adding sentences and interrupting his sentences and thoughts with ahhhhs and uhmmm as the shit brained left-wing host is at a loss of words at the sudden departure of his confidant and lover Michael Brooks. the once sangfroid Sam has become a dipshited unfit old dude with a brain like popcorn at a loss of words as his compatriot Michael Brooks is no longer there to fetch Sam's coffee which  he now has to inconveniently get for himself. 
 Sam Seder is often jacked up on liquor nd drugs it appears on his show often talking  incoherent and nonsensical talking about running for US congress,senate,president , and Baxton County Dog catcher/animal control which he is unfit and unqualified. Sam Seder also expresses a desire to run away to a deserted Polynesian island with Elizabeth Warner to live with and he wishes he could escape to areas like those in days of old and live with some Indian tribe and marry into a Pocahontas type situation ahhhhhhhh maybe even errrr becoming a chief of a indigenous group  ahhhh much like 
 Quanah Parker of the ahhh famed err Comanche tribe I believe. Sam needs to realize that Brooks is deader than a five pack of Polish or ahhh Italian Brat sausage and he is not coming back and he needs to slap is own ars silly to get back on track and being hat he is and tis is a leftist shill for the Islamic republic or Iran and the socialist Republic of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela and doing what he does best and only knows and to be as anti-America and  as much as a fractious and deceitful as one can be on their own funded network on-line. 

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