Sick Lake County Illinois teacher spits in a mans face for not wearing a mask

Jacoby Genevese
   A sick mentally disturbed woman named Elizabeth Mach is a avowed mask supremacist and Mask fascist as she was arrested recently in Northern,Illinois and the town of Mettawa. Acting like a Pottawatomie Indian of some centuries ago the crazed and typical educator apparently used something seen among her students and that was the power of spit and the ability to do it to someone that ticks this flea-faced skank  off.
 Ms Mach is a mask fascist psychotic that doesn't ever ant to see or hear a persons vice through a mask and the crazed leftist like many others embraced the idea of people wearing masks in 2020 and beyond and it provides perfect cover for "peaceful" protesters to turn violent later in the night in this insurrection seen across the country. This crazed woman was busted, cuffed and stuffed after spitting at a man in a Cotsco in Mettawa and she ranks as among the most insane mask mandaters an enforcers and people are going to have to wear face shields because of these mentally deranged jackasses so hateful of others they will soon make government demand that eyes are covered u and if they are not met they will practically be spitting on people to spread Covid-19. The extremism of these mask people needs to be resisted as they are becoming unhinged at the number of people into following in line to what their government daddy says and these mask zombies hate to see other people act independently and aware of the dangers to one health this mask fraud and lies by the corrupt evil health industry is all about because they know that germs are more likely to be spread wearing masks and their true intentions is getting more people afflicted with Covid to be tested and feed into the system and be used politically against the president.

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