Troy York
The left-wing health fascism is taking affect in Austral and Prime minster Andrews working hand to hand with Jinping Xi and his overlords in China is restricting the people of Victoria and soon will turn the entire country into a prison as it once was when it was settled. Psychotic leader Daniel Andrews has announced curfew and his attack on business and capitalism is order to achieve a one world government is taking place as we speak with his over reaction to some 600 cases a a dozen deaths in a city of five million and the medical tyranny that Australia are facing is only second to parts of America.

The attack on peoples from is a global effort being lead by monster such as this Australian premier prick Mr Andrews and the police fascist state is locking down this country again and this is a Chinese-lea geo-political movement aimed at Australia for siding recently with America and our Asian allies in a sow of force and determination against these Chinese CCP evil state. The repression and restriction upon the suburbs of Melbourne and residents overall in the state of Victoria is a direct result and economic war being forced upon the allies and repressive government bastard allied with their benefactor in the CCP and China. Australia and Andrews are locking down the country after a small increase die to more massive testing not n order to prevent or contain new outbreaks but to totally impose martial law and restrictions in revenge for the Chinese overlords who own the rotten politician class in Australia.

Daniel Andrews and Australia's incredible restrictive movement and imprisonment of its citizens is alarming and should be viewed with danger from all as this country is declining into a German World war II repressive control state under the guise of protecting peoples health by denying them freedom and perpetual lock downs. Daniel Andrews came on television and told people they must being at 8 pm and be in bed with lights out by 8'30 and if people step outside in their backyard the government ill now and they will pay a heft fine. He also said that people will only be allowed one hour to exercise and they can not travel outside of three miles of their residence and he will be having thousands of police to stop check and check peoples whereabouts and if they violate his orders they will pay a 1500 dollar fine and this fascistic leader has gone full psychotic and along the lines of becoming a dictator
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