Larry Frost
Right-wing radio host Ben Shaprio took down the scum out of the bag t Chris Hayes of MSNBC as Shapiro leveled at the activist sin charge og much of this pro-criminal network and funded by the mafia class. Chris Hayes speaks for this class and his attack on doctors who give a differing of opinion and insist there is a cure for Covid 9 through Zinc and various drugs such as Hydroxchlorine is typical of the insanity and censorship of this homo from Chicago. Ben Shapiro eviscerated this prick..this prick eating douche bag at MSNBC as he is basically a far-left wing fascist authoritarian activist and not rally a journalist or broadcaster and Hayes ranks up there among the worse partisans pretending to be objective when in fact this son of a cock sucker is a propagandist from Mars.n

Hayes is a piece of shit in the media trying hard to suppress the facts that there is relatively a simple and cheap way to deal with Covid 19 and it doesn't have to be the big crisis and threat he and other far-left fascist members of the media proclaim it to be as these psychopaths desperately try to politicize death and spread more of it with THEIR misinformation and suppression of how these drugs taken along with Zinc pretty much heal the body and this fuck ass Chris Hayes should be arrested as a public nuisance and enemy agent against America. Hayes came out and lied out of is ass and said it was president Trump that seeks to undermine our democracy but in fact our democracy has already be undermined for years all under the partisanship and money directed towards these evil media conglomerates more loyal to the international dollar than the American people and voter and members like Chris Hayes are beholden to this money source and this explains their daily ritualistic attack on the most pro-American president since Franklin Delonoa Roosevelt. Again this homsex ass Chris Hayes should be arrested along with the other gaywads working hard to avenge their identities and self-victim hood and working with our enemies overseas to propagandize. Hayes and Anderson Cooper need to be sent to labor prison camps in Alaska. Chris Hayes has been bring you lies about Russia and Trump and now he and other leftist keep bringing you lies form John Hopkins University health "Globalists" and not experts.

Hayes and others at MSNBC seek to squelch the free speech and voice and opinions of these doctors because Hayes and MSNBC are owned and bought utility of the globalist plutocrats who want more money in researching and funding for a vaccine for the globalist wicked class to profit from for themselves ignoring and lying that Hydrochloride does little to stop the spread of this Chinese virus disease yet these are the same fucks who insist we mask up and dehumanize ourselves to meet too meet psychotic visual aspects. Shapiro reminded is audience that Chris Hayes is truthful about 3% of t etime and this man and is network is not broadcast journalism and a disclaimer of their funding sources and the fact that ti media group organization is in fact not objectionable broadcasting needs to be announced given the amount of tie and money they get form one side and it correlates to their new scoverage and representation of it.
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