lousy left-wing liberal Argentine-Israeli troll podcaster known as David Pakman has few listeners and basically purchases bots for big tech to give the impression that he has some following to hs boring program where he tenuously trolls and attacks president Trump on a daily basis. David Pakman cannot shut up and as so impressed with the awful activist reporter from Axios and thinks he embarrassed president Trump in is HBO interview with this arrogant rubber faced reporter who made endlessly snarky facial expressions to express his displeasure with the president.
rm Swan by his accent and international reporter staus is obviously a globalist so of curse he is going to full off attack and only far-left fascist bastards from the extreme left think Jonathan Swan humiliated president Trump and indeed this was the headline form one libtarded news webzine after another as the sneering questioning of this stupid reporter was cheered and hailed. For David Pakman this too sexual connotations as he was so aroused by Jonathan Swan that he fantasizes and masturbates to this interview once a day as Pakman is a sick leftists homosexual from hell,Israel, and Argentina. David Pakman is stupider than shit and a brick and if he thinks this silly interview by Jonathan swan will have any affect than the Pacman is s stupid as he appears.

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