Cecil Brewster
A delusional sick trucker in his seventies was recently taken in and booked for the killing of bridge player Barry crane the other day and now authorities are looking into the possibility f other killings being blamed for this madmen Hiatt. Hiatt admitted that he strangled Barry Crane in Hollywood some decades ago and this man might have a habit of killing rich men named crane and the idea that this mad killed famed Hogan's Heroes super star actor Bob Crane in the seventies as well is a distinct possibility.

This screwball looks like an oddball and the number of people this serial trucking jackass murdered may never bee known but authorities are looking at every angle and aspect of this clowns past. Barry Crane was a television producer and Hiatt was always a wanabee actor and performer and blamed the famed producer and Bridge player that he was unable to get a acting career done and whether this animal knew Bob crane (no relation) as well fro his days of Hogan Heroes fame where he worked with Richard Dawson and Andrew Carter and Ivan Dixon is not known at this time bu police are putting Edwin

Hiatt as on the top of a list of many unsolved Hollywood murders with Bob Crane who played Colonel Robert T Hogan on the fames hogan's Heroes program that aired from the lat sixties to early seventies. Bob Crane's long unsolved murder may finally be coming to a clusure and when I ran across this crime and the fact that Barry Crane was killed less than a decade before Bob Crane and they finally matched fingerprints and brought this man beast sasquatch bastard into custody and justice served I totally saw that this same man may have killed another Crane.
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