looney toon South Korean health fascist Yoon Tai-Hoe puts more emphasize and pressure for more restrictions on South Koreans

  Archie  Bannister
    South Korea has long been hailed as the exemplary work on Covid by recent massive up ticks have pretty much showed how the Koreans have downplayed their virus numbers in order to achieve this positive natural achievement and now the Southies can no longer downplay and lie of their high case accounts and uptick off Covid 19 cases . Senior Health minster Yoon Ta-Ho is displeased and called for more restrictive measures upon a already South Korea exhausted mask fascistic state and once again the call to close all business and force people to work from home instead of offices is being declared.
The repressive nature and turning of South Korea into North Korea 2.o has been alarming and crazed health liars and virus scare crows like this piece of shit Mr Yoon Tae Ho is angered that data researchers have declared a small use of people use of public transportation and he is demanding people stay locked up in their high rise boring Seoul apartments and says that people need to stay home and wear masks until the end of next year. This monster Yoon Tai Ho also threatened three year sentence terms for resident doctors who are striking and he promised to put the full authoritarian measures of the law to force them into slave like conditions  sweating up to 20 hours a day with masks sewed onto their  fucking face.  This jerk also doesn't like the fact that the hoes can live a free and liberated lifestyle such as Bong -Jip-Me and tb amount of prevention and repression the South Koreans have with allowing these health monsters to dictate and control will eventually be resisted as South Korea is gong back to the days of brutal Authoritarian dictatorship not seen in South Korea since the days of dictator Park Chung Hee.
The South Korean  government is angered people are not adhering to the strictest Covid 19 health fascistic decrees and the uptick of Covid cases mainly due to the extreme urban high density living is the real root cause and not any lack of mask wearing and again masks are governmental attempts to dehumanize and humiliate people as an individual among others and strangers to connect.  Yoon Bird likes the power that comes with being a hip health minister and he is hopeful it brings this otherwise zero and loser more power and fame and perhaps easier to pick up women in South Korea ta normally would reject him but do not take it for granted and make no mistake this is another South Korean health mask fascist that will take it too fat an eventually harass women and find himself in a similar position park Won-Soon found himself in not that log ago. Yoon Tae Hoe says beds in hospitals are running ut and he has demanded that brothels close down and gove the beds to the state as he attacks another business and venture capitalist opportunity in South Korea . Yoon Loony Tae is another loony bird health fascist over-hyping and over stating the Covid and using it to empower the new socialist far-left liberal government of ahhh president Moon who hates the Western values and capitalism that South Korea had embraced through the decades and is moving his state closer and closer to a health medical paranoia medi-facistic state n par and even more evil than North Korea.

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