Massive protests agianst Covid 19 medical martial law seen in London and Germany but hardly anything in America

  Ramon Ramos
     In the land of the brave and the mask barely any resistance and peep has been made to resist the draconian and unproven idea that compulsory mask mandates do anything to slow the spread of virus and bactericides and the mask monarchs know this to be a fact and a ultimate scam lie they have initiated and successfully hammered away onto the masses.
Europeans are not Americans tough and throughout this crisis and fake paranoia spread that is mainly being perpetuated by the mainstream media. The mainstream media wishes to push forward an agenda of fear mongering and harassment for those who do not accept the narrative set forth by the medical priesthoods and in Europe they are dismayed along with their authoritarian governments that people are resisting and  resisting  heavily  in many parts of Europe and they are calling out this  horseshit of their governments an that seek increased repressive measures against  that citizens of Europe and this is what the whole Chinese virus gal of the far left Green movement is all about as they seek to eliminate as much as they can of human industry and power.
 Th is is a Orwellian nightmare that the sillies have fallen left line and sinker into accepting in society and if medical fascists had their way the mask and the shield will be an acceptable form of daily wear much ahhh like the seat belt as they tell us without a beat and this is just fucking ridiculous as humans have had to be dealing with virus since humanity and actually not allowing a virus to go through the system and population is a lot more dangerous and clearly this is something the bill Gates have determined to be the case as this monster wants to depopulate the planet. 

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