Michale Knowles and Hasan PIker get int a tussle on Elex Michaelson's program

    Bernardo Romano
    Far Right met far-left as Michael Knowles talk show host met mama basement gamer blogger and Turkish nationalist Hasan Piker a son of a dog and cousin of Young Turks Cenk Uygur. Some dude named Elex runs interview showing some foreign English speaking country and he had two of the more renown political young commentators in the game and the brawl trough the internet started from the first question as Piker and Knowles argued heavily from describing the insurrection in Portland which naturally the undemocratic internationalist socialist Mr Piker (born in Turkey) called peaceful protesters and called
 federal troops stationed and protecting federal property as the real problem. Knowles says the leadership of these Blue debt-ridden cities are trying to pressure the federal government for a bail out of their mismanaged corrupt city and basically this is what much of this George Floyd horseshit is all about and the nightly sieges we see likely are staged violence from the Democratic Party leaders in cities like Seattle and Portland. The trio debated what is the role of government in time of crisis and Hasan Piker and Michael Knowles came to government
mandated mask requirements and argued vehemently about it as Knowles waves a paper in Hasan's on-screen face about how the CDC originally didn' t require face masks and the demand wear o masks was a later liberal  troll and meant to erase the individuality of the peon average man on the street. Hasan piker is a Stateist  especially one that delivers and demands a leftist progressive lie and thinking he shares. The discussion nearly broke down as botb the socialist and the rightest argued the role of government and ho and why it is more repressive in America and around the world than in any other era in recent memory.

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