Crazed mayor of Milwaukee Tom Barrett has demoted or fired Milwaukee's first Mexican-american police chief because Barrett plays up to the Black Live Matter supremacists who were triggered and angered that Milwaukee's police used tear gas to combat insurrections and the violent left and stop their vandalism and threats to burn down Milwaukee. The Milwaukee oversight board is made up of radical members and the review board along with our shitty mayor in Milwaukee decided to abandon and police chief Alfonso Morales for practically doing his job and for Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke this is a total outrage and he says Mayor Barrett and members of fire and police commission l be the ones demoted push in their politics and attacking Mr Morales.
The radical extremist George Floyd agitators don;t want police to use and have tear gas and rubber bullets because they know and hate the idea that it is an effective tool to combat mob violence and the attack on police and property by these ANTIFA enemy agents serving the interests to spread dissent in this country. Mayor Barrett and the media along with this bias board forced Mr Morales to resign with their lies of his ethical lapses and basically the left in Milwaukee want the protesters to be given free reign to spread and vandalize as much as they can in and around the downtown area as seen in Portland and sheriff Richard Clarke

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