Woody Underwood
A white land lord opened is heart and hose to a Black roommate and the result is typical of what could occur as this silly bastard lost his head in a Samurai beheading form hell. A man named Victor King was a profession bridge player going to all of the mini state casinos and winning bridge match after bridge match and recently he decided to have a roommate to show his commitment to diversity and understanding.

Victor King lost his head by a self-defined psychopath and self-described sovereign citizen decided to take it upon bis hands and committed yet again another racial Black on White murder in this country as the white genocide committed by Blacks continues in this country and the barbarity of this savage killer Jerry Thompson shild serve as a warning to all other potential landlords who u think twice before ever renting a apartment or part of their house to a Black man. Victor has played his last game of d and for two days this crazed Black was threatening him because Mr King asked for the rent money and Mr Thompson was not about to hand this clown anything.

Victor King is another white Life lost to the extremist of Black supremacy and crime in America and White lives matter including those delusion and derange enough to rent out part of their house to mad man like Jerry Thompson who was clearly mentally unstable and what Mr King was thinking when he decided to have this nut live and rent for him is not known.
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