Andreas Cangellaeis and the university system goes full nutso authoritarian seeking to shut all parties and places for Jin-Hand-Rub from dancing at parties

 Xander Xerox
Mr X
   The University of Illinois like other Big ten universities and colleges across America have gone full oppression on the student population as old jag  off deans and provosts like University of Illinois ass simp Andreas Cangellaeis placate to the foreign and South Korean lead Health medical martial law across America as they seek to restrict the travels of students and prevent them from living a fucking fee life. The administrator and attempting to brain wash and control the masses of students in a
sickening display of Vernon Wormerism and brutal control seen and highlighted in the movie Animal House and the students in universities  need to rise up and party like its 1999 agian. The University officials and pieces of shit like Mr Cangellaeis have over-stepped their authority and the power ha gone into the heads of prick provosts like Andreas Cangellaiis
  who is a zero and as Vice Chancellor of Academic affas thinks that he can be the gestapo and allow passes and imprison students at the University of Illinois. The creeping authoritative nature we are witnessing at put nations universities and college systems in and all under the guise of Covid safety is alarming and more of the reason I reckon we need to destroy the academic libtarded institutions and rebuild it form ground up as the university system has been hijacked and now filled with anti-American and  anti- constitutional zeros and losers like Mr Cangellaiis going full fascist on the students.
 The amount of wickedness of these chancellors and fascists at university in social control needs push back and basically this man and the other Vernon Wormers out there are trying to restrict peoples rights to gather and the importance of social scene and develop friendships and enjoying  life at their young age as these restrictive bastard and discouraging under threats of dismissal and denying an education.
These bastards are committed to full-scale repression of young people many institutions of higher learning  are saying if students don't kowtow to their demands they will kick them out of university and then audaciously not even refund them for the semester which is outlandish,illegal, and should open them up to prosecution. Mr Cangellaeis also says he is prepared to clear out the dorms and go into the big tech dram of profit on-line remote learning  tat the Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerbergs have long dreamed up replacing traditional on-site education. This maniac vice-chancellor seeks to aid those  who want to push remote learning  so they can pocket the savings and he also wants to through thereat of suspension to end all parties on and off campus and given the  high numbers of Chinese and South Korean seek to prevent their youth  form attending parties. Chancellor Cangellaisi wants to deny opportunities for Jin-Han-Rub form attending parties and being able to live life young and this is something the health medical fascists seek to stamp put through their in fractional abuse at universities all across this nation.

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